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Genius Rock Opera musicians:


All music of Genius Rock Opera Trilogy has been completely performed by the duo: 

Daniele Liverani(Guitars, bass and keyboards) & Dario Ciccioni(drums)

The music has been written and produced by Daniele Liverani & Gabriele Ravaglia at
Fear Studios, 


Daniele Liverani - Guitars, Bass & Keyboards

A message from Daniele:

When - back in early 1999 - I started to write down the story concept of the Genius Rock Opera trilogy, I had a dream...Well, what you see in these pages is exactly the first episode of that dream which has finally come true. I feel very lucky for this and I'll never stop to thank the great friends of the Frontiers staff for believing in me...

I hope and really recommend to you all to keep your dreams alive and never stop living for them...

Sometimes is difficult or even impossible to reach the goals we live for....but living without a dream is like not living at all...

I started playing piano when I was 6 and I started to study guitar and bass when I was 17, so this is the result of over 25 years of hard work...

Even though I always loved to work with other musicians in my projects, this Rock Opera is something that I consider very mine as I wrote all the concept, music and lyrics.

So I decided to handle all guitars, bass and keyboards parts, cause I wanted to create the exact sound I had in my mind in terms of arrangement and sound choice, except drums of course that has been played and created during the music composition by Dario.

In this music you can really find my whole life and this is my gift to all those who really love music, dreams, love and life.

This crazy story, behind its fantasic events and tricky characters, is something that deals with human relationships and expecially real friendship...a relation that is unfortunately disappearing nowadays, in my opinion.

The friendship that Genius and Twinspirit32 develop in these 3 episodes of Genius trilogy is exactly my vision of how real friendship should be...

I must say that I'm even more lucky, cause I found this kind of friendship and this music is a proof of what the meeting, the magic feel and the constant mutual support of two minds can create and develop together...


Love and peace!

Daniele Liverani 2002



Dario Ciccioni - Drums and Percussion




A message from Dario:

It was a great challange and learning opportunity to go along the music created by Daniele, I had to find out some very catchy drum tricks to build up a good base for the odd and original parts that I was submitted to...anyway I had many suggestions from Daniele too, sometimes he had a clear idea about the drumming concept of the songs...for example on Paradox song: on the parts where Genius is singing, the snare is playing the off beat, on the parts where Twinspirit32 sings snares are on beat...did you notice that? ;).


Check out the personal websites of Daniele and Dario to find more info about their career and all the other projects they are involved!